evelyn waugh biography

)), pp. [47], Back at home, Waugh began a novel, The Temple at Thatch, and worked with some of his fellow Hypocrites on a film, The Scarlet Woman, which was shot partly in the gardens at Underhill. Happy though he was with this outcome, Waugh's principal concern as the war ended was the fate of the large populations of Eastern European Catholics, betrayed (as he saw it) into the hands of Stalin's Soviet Unionby the Allies. His mother Laura flew out immediately to be by his side. [130], In September 1945, after he was released by the army, he returned to Piers Court with his family (another daughter, Harriet, had been born at Pixton in 1944)[133] but spent much of the next seven years either in London, or travelling. Almost at once, he secured a post at Arnold House, a boys' preparatory school in North Wales, beginning in January 1925. Im Jahr 1930 konvertierte Waugh zum Katholizismus, obwohl er befürchten musste, dadurch kein zweites Mal heiraten zu können. [63] Among their friends, they quickly became known as "He-Evelyn" and "She-Evelyn". He had meantime sent the early chapters of his novel to Acton for assessment and criticism. [79], On 10 October 1930, Waugh, representing several newspapers, departed for Abyssinia to cover the coronation of Haile Selassie. [126] Waugh and Churchill returned to Bari before flying back to Yugoslavia to begin their mission, but their aeroplane crash-landed, both men were injured, and their mission was delayed for a month. Waugh had known Hugh Patrick Lygon at Oxford; now he was introduced to the girls and their country house, Madresfield Court, which became the closest that he had to a home during his years of wandering. Alexander Waugh is the grandson of Evelyn Waugh and the son of columnist Auberon Waugh. Soon after his return to duty he was recruited by Randolph Churchill to serve in the Maclean Mission to Yugoslavia, and, early in July, flew with Churchill from Bari, Italy, to the Croatian island of Vis. It was presumed by the family that Evelyn would follow, but in 1915, the school asked Evelyn's older brother Alec to leave after a homosexual relationship came to light. Now, half a century after Waugh’s death in 1966, Philip Eade has delivered a hugely entertaining biography that [37] Although Waugh tended to regard his scholarship as a reward for past efforts rather than a stepping-stone to future academic success, he did sufficient work in his first two terms to pass his "History Previous", an essential preliminary examination. Over the next ten days he fought for his life, having lost a lung, two ribs, part of his hand and his spleen. The Life of Evelyn Waugh: A Critical Biography (Blackwell Critical Biographies) | Patey, Douglas Lane | ISBN: 9780631189336 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. [111] In April 1940, he was temporarily promoted to captain and given command of a company of marines, but he proved an unpopular officer, being haughty and curt with his men. [3] Im April 1927 gab Waugh seine Laufbahn als Lehrer auf und erwog ernsthaft, Kunsttischler zu werden. [222] The pro-fascist tone in parts of Waugh in Abyssinia offended readers and critics and prevented its publication in America. However, he wanted a wife and children, and in October 1933 began proceedings for the annulment of the marriage on the grounds of "lack […] [60], When Decline and Fall was completed, Duckworths objected to its "obscenity", but Chapman & Hall agreed to publish it. He died on April 10, 1966 in Combe Florey, Somerset, England. [15] A positive influence on his writing was a schoolmaster, Aubrey Ensor. [242] There had been earlier television treatment of Waugh's fiction, as Sword of Honour had been serialised by the BBC in 1967, but the impact of Granada's Brideshead was much wider. Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred & Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder, Church of St Peter & St Paul, Combe Florey, https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01qmbsc, "Some Unpublished Waugh Correspondence III", "Waugh at the BBC: "the most ill-natured interview ever" on CD after 55 years, "Evelyn Waugh and Anthony Burgess: Some Parallels as Catholic Writers", "Evelyn Waugh, The Art of Fiction No. A month later, without warning, Gardner confessed that their mutual friend, John Heygate, had become her lover. Der Verlag war seitdem geschrumpft, die Familie verfügte über nur begrenzte finanzielle Mittel. Waugh's comment on the affair was this: "Bloodshed has been avoided at the cost of honour. [33] During his first two terms, he generally followed convention; he smoked a pipe, bought a bicycle, and gave his maiden speech at the Oxford Union, opposing the motion that "This House would welcome Prohibition". [211], Waugh maintained his reputation in 1942, with Put Out More Flags, which sold well despite wartime restrictions on paper and printing. [24] Within the school, he became mildly subversive, mocking the school's cadet corps and founding the Corpse Club "for those who were bored stiff". His father, Evelyn, preferred to remain at home. Waugh hatte sich damals als Schriftsteller etabliert, arbeitete in den 1930er Jahren aber auch als Korrespondent. [n 7] Despite their political differences, Waugh came to admire George Orwell, because of their shared patriotism and sense of morality. Mad World: Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Brideshead, by Paula Byrne, 2010. [177] The reader should not assume that the author agreed with the opinions expressed by his fictional characters. Cyril Connolly's first reaction to the book was that Waugh's powers were failing, an opinion that he later revised. Im Dezember 1927 verlobte er sich mit Evelyn Gardner, der jüngsten Tochter des verstorbenen Lord Burghclere. It is sympathetic also because, like Waugh himself, the author adores gossip. [181] Waugh's son, Auberon, said that the force of his father's personality was such that, despite his lack of height, "generals and chancellors of the exchequer, six-foot-six and exuding self-importance from every pore, quail[ed] in front of him". [154] In January 1957, Waugh avenged the Spain–Noel-Buxton intrusion by winning libel damages from the Express and Spain. )), pp. His most famous works include the early satires Decline and Fall (1928) and A Handful of Dust (1934), the novel Brideshead Revisited (1945), and the Second World War trilogy Sword of Honour (1952–1961). Die Verlobung traf auf heftigen Widerstand der Mutter der Braut, da Evelyn Waugh weder über Einkommen noch eine Beschäftigung verfügte. Mit großer Mühe gelang ihm der Eintritt bei den Royal Marines und er wurde 1941 in den Nahen Osten versetzt. He now saw little difference in morality between the war's combatants and later described it as "a sweaty tug-of-war between teams of indistinguishable louts". Rare Book & Manuscript Library. So berichtete er 1930 aus Abessinien über die Krönung von Haile Selassie und im August 1935 war er als Korrespondent des Daily Mail vor Ort, um über den drohenden Angriffs- und Eroberungskrieg durch das faschistische Italien zu berichten. Der letzte Band Unconditional Surrender dagegen ist von Waughs Erlebnissen in Jugoslawien geprägt: Der dortige Einsatz an der Seite von Randolph Frederick Churchill gehörte zu seinen letzten während des Zweiten Weltkrieges: Waugh empfand es als eine bittere Ironie, im Kampf gegen das faschistische Deutschland und seine Verbündeten mit Titos Partisanen zusammenarbeiten zu müssen und so dazu beizutragen, dass katholische Kroaten und Slowenen unter die Herrschaft eines intoleranten kommunistischen Regimes gerieten.[8]. English writer Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh, better known as Evelyn Waugh was an expert satirist as well as an accomplished novelist, short story writer, biographer, and travel writer.He was born in London in 1903 though he preferred the country lifestyle and was a schoolteacher before he moved on to writing full time. The elder of his two sons, born in 1866, was Arthur Waugh. Despite the gloomy ambience of the school, Waugh did his best to fulfil the requirements of his position, but a brief return to London and Oxford during the Easter holiday only exacerbated his sense of isolation. He travelled on via several staging-posts to Boa Vista in Brazil, and then took a convoluted overland journey back to Georgetown. A Romance of the Near Future, 1934 Ninety-Two Days. Waugh had been convinced of the book's qualities, "my first novel rather than my last". He left the ship in Egypt and flew on to Colombo, but, he wrote to Laura, the voices followed him. Einer seiner wenigen Freunde war der Schriftsteller Graham Greene, auch er ein katholischer Konvertit, dessen erste Ehe annulliert wurde. Less pleasing to Waugh was the Times Literary Supplement's references to him as "Miss Waugh". Arthur Waugh war im Jahr vor Evelyns Geburt Leiter des Verlages Chapman & Hall geworden, der einstmals die Werke von Charles Dickens herausgegeben hatte. [199] In 1953, in a radio interview, he named Augustus Egg (1816–1863) as a painter for whom he had particular esteem. He was the author whose books I most enjoyed as a teenager in the 1970s. Evelyn Waugh : biography 28 October 1903 – 10 April 1966 Second marriage On his conversion, Waugh had accepted that he would be unable to remarry while Evelyn Gardner was alive. He was born Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh on October 28, 1903, in London England. The Account of a Tropical Journey Through British Guiana and Part of Brazil (1934). Sein ältester Sohn, Auberon Waugh (1939–2001), sollte später ein bekannter Journalist und Kolumnist werden. [7] 1947 besuchte Evelyn Waugh Hollywood, um dort eine Verfilmung des Buchs zu diskutieren. [8] At the time of his birth the family were living in North London, at Hillfield Road, West Hampstead where, on 28 October 1903, the couple's second son was born, "in great haste before Dr Andrews could arrive", Catherine recorded. Sein Thema ist das das Leben der Titelheldin Helena, der Mutter des römischen Kaisers Konstantin des Großen. My introduction to Evelyn Waugh came when I had to read 'A Handful of Dust' for my English Lit 'A' level, well over thirty years ago. Bereits früher gab es eine Filmfassung von The Loved One mit Rod Steiger und John Gielgud unter der Regie von Tony Richardson. [76] The entry for 20 February 1927 includes, "I am to visit a Father Underhill about being a parson". He was a brilliant chronicler of the British upper middle classes and minor aristocracy in the inter-war years, and reading this biography brilliantly illuminates the background to his novels, the real-life basis for some … ), pp. Bereits 1930 wurde die Ehe geschieden. Liebe gibt es nicht mehr und der beliebteste Service des Wohlfahrtsstaats ist die Euthanasie, die deswegen viele Menschen wählen, weil sie der Langeweile ihres Lebens entkommen wollen. Fathers and Sons: The Autobiography of a Family, by Alexander Waugh, 2008. ), p. 237, Waugh diaries, 20 February 1927: Davie (ed. Seine Reiseerlebnisse flossen in mehrere Berichte ein: in Befremdliche Völker, seltsame Sitten (Remote People, 1931), Waugh in Abyssinia (1936) und Ninety-Two Days. Internationale Popularität erlangte Waugh durch die Verfilmung seines Romans Wiedersehen mit Brideshead. In November 1917 his essay "In Defence of Cubism" (1917) was accepted by and published in the arts magazine Drawing and Design; it was his first published article. [158], Although most of Waugh's books had sold well, and he had been well-rewarded for his journalism, his levels of expenditure meant that money problems and tax bills were a recurrent feature in his life. [218] Stylistically this final story begins in the same fashion as the first story, "The Balance" of 1926, with a "fusillade of unattributed dialogue". [25] This neglect led to a bitter feud between Waugh and his history tutor, C. R. M. F. Cruttwell, dean (and later principal) of Hertford College. His first two novels, Decline and Fall (1928) and Vile Bodies (1930), comically reflect a futile society, populated by two-dimensional, basically unbelievable characters in circumstances too fantastic to evoke the reader's emotions. Der Verlag Duckworth verlangte einige Überarbeitungen, und schließlich wurde der Roman von Chapman und Hall angenommen. Biography [] Early lifBorn in London, England, Evelyn Waugh was the second son of noted editor and publisher Arthur Waugh.He was brought up in upper middle class circumstances in the wealthy suburb of Hampstead, where he attended Heath Mount School. [15][n 2], Like his father before him, Alec Waugh went to school at Sherborne. [175] He described himself as "toothless, deaf, melancholic, shaky on my pins, unable to eat, full of dope, quite idle"[176] and expressed the belief that "all fates were worse than death". • Frederick L. Beaty: The Ironic World of Evelyn Waugh: A Study of Eight Novels. The trip was disrupted when Gardner contracted pneumonia and was carried ashore to the British hospital in Port Said. [110], Waugh's daily training routine left him with "so stiff a spine that he found it painful even to pick up a pen". [6] He had married Catherine Raban (1870–1954)[7] in 1893; their first son Alexander Raban Waugh (always known as Alec) was born on 8 July 1898. [162] The book done, he worked on the last of the war trilogy, which was published in 1961 as Unconditional Surrender. An attack by jellyfish changed his mind, and he returned quickly to the shore. Within a few days, he was writing home complaining of "other passengers whispering about me" and of hearing voices, including that of his recent BBC interlocutor, Stephen Black. Waugh’s letters to Teresa Jungman are one aspect of Eade’s biography that is entirely original; they had not been seen before. [216] Likewise, such cynicism pervades the novel Love Among the Ruins (1953), set in a dystopian, welfare-state Britain that is so socially disagreeable that euthanasia is the most sought-after of the government's social services. Nach dessen Ende arbeitete Waugh als Lehrer an verschiedenen Internaten und Tagesschulen. [213] On publication in 1950, Helena was received indifferently by the public and by critics, who disparaged the awkward mixing of 20th-century schoolgirl slang with otherwise reverential prose. Earlier, Laura had borne a daughter, christened Mary, on 1 December 1940, but she lived only a few hours. [179] A Requiem Mass, in Latin, was celebrated in Westminster Cathedral on 21 April 1966. The couple apparently met again only once, during the process for the annulment of their marriage a few years later. He was perceived as out of step with the Zeitgeist, and the large fees he demanded were no longer easily available. Finding aid to Evelyn Waugh papers at Columbia University. The best English writer in the 1950's-1960's according to some. Decades after Evelyn Waugh’s death, here is a completely fresh view of one of the most gifted—and fascinating—writers of our time Graham Greene hailed Evelyn Waugh as “the greatest novelist of my generation,” and in recent years Waugh’s reputation has only grown. A pub-crawl ensues, at the end of which Ernest Vaughan jumps into a car – a decrepit Ford – and drives down St Aldgates, mounts the kerb and crashes into a shop window. In May 1917, much to his annoyance, he was sent to Lancing College, in his opinion a decidedly inferior school. There, they met Marshal Tito, the Communist leader of the Partisans, who was leading the guerrilla fight against the occupying Axis forces with Allied support. Die Miniserie des britischen Fernsehens mit Jeremy Irons und Laurence Olivier von 1981 wurde ein Welterfolg. 377–79; "Age of Unrest", 1954 (Gallagher (ed. [10][n 1], In 1907, the Waugh family left Hillfield Road for Underhill, a house which Arthur had built in North End Road, Hampstead, close to Golders Green,[11] then a semi-rural area of dairy farms, market gardens and bluebell woods. In the book he spelled out clearly his conservative credo; he later described the book as dealing "little with travel and much with political questions". Philip Larkin, reviewing the collection in The Guardian, thought that it demonstrated Waugh's elitism; to receive a letter from him, it seemed, "one would have to have a nursery nickname and be a member of White's, a Roman Catholic, a high-born lady or an Old Etonian novelist". [141] Nearing 50, Waugh was old for his years, "selectively deaf, rheumatic, irascible" and increasingly dependent on alcohol and on drugs to relieve his insomnia and depression. E velyn Waugh’s first marriage was a notorious failure. [25][42] He continued to write reviews and short stories for the university journals, and developed a reputation as a talented graphic artist, but formal study largely ceased. “Well you can’t call life dull!” exclaimed his wife, Evelyn Gardner, when she learnt that Waugh was suing for divorce after only a year. To listen to more of John Julius Norwich’s stories, go to the playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVV0r6CmEsFztA6vm1Za0okc3Xsq-JPlRJohn Julius … He was a writer and actor, known for Brideshead Revisited (2008), The Unforeseen (1958) and The Loved One (1965). The new material provided further grounds for debate between Waugh's supporters and detractors. [200] Orwell in turn commented that Waugh was "about as good a novelist as one can be ... while holding untenable opinions". [25] Despite some family hostility the marriage took place on 17 April 1937 at the Church of the Assumption in Warwick Street, London. Sein Biograf Douglas Woodruff hielt fest, dass seine Vorgesetzten den Umgang mit ihm wegen seiner Skepsis schwierig fanden und Waugh auch bei den Soldaten, die unter ihm dienten, nie sonderlich beliebt war.[6]. Nach Ansicht von Douglas Woodruff zählen zahlreiche Passagen dieses Romans zu den stilistisch besten, die Waugh je verfasst hat. Als dezidiert Konservativer fand Waugh die Nachkriegszeit in Großbritannien wegen der Lebensmittel- und Devisenbewirtschaftung, der Verstaatlichung wichtiger Industriezweige und dem Ausbau des Sozialstaates kaum erträglich. The following lists his fiction, travel and biographical works, together with selected articles and reviews. Während des Kriegs entstand auch der Roman Wiedersehen mit Brideshead (1945), der zum Bestseller wurde und ihn nun auch in den USA sehr bekannt machte. [87][88] He returned to Abyssinia in August 1935 to report the opening stages of the Second Italo-Abyssinian War for the Daily Mail. [131] It was a tremendous success, bringing its author fame, fortune and literary status. [205] As his talent developed and matured, he maintained what literary critic Andrew Michael Roberts called "an exquisite sense of the ludicrous, and a fine aptitude for exposing false attitudes". Seither wurden auch Vile Bodies und A Handful of Dust verfilmt – letzterer mit Alec Guinness, der Waugh bewunderte. [182], In the biographic Mad World (2009), Paula Byrne said that the common view of Evelyn Waugh as a "snobbish misanthrope" is a caricature; she asks: "Why would a man, who was so unpleasant, be so beloved by such a wide circle of friends? Mai 2020 um 18:24 Uhr bearbeitet. [132] Although he took momentary pleasure from the defeat of Winston Churchill and his Conservatives in the 1945 general election, he saw the accession to power of the Labour Party as a triumph of barbarism and the onset of a new "Dark Age". His chief interest became the welfare of the Catholic Church in Croatia, which, he believed, had suffered at the hands of the Serbian Orthodox Church and would fare worse when the Communists took control. [56][57] This led to a contract from the publishers Duckworths for a full-length biography of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, which Waugh wrote during 1927. [240], In 1973, Waugh's diaries were serialised in The Observer prior to publication in book form in 1976. [239] Pinfold surprised the critics by its originality. He was married to Laura Herbert and Evelyn Gardner. However, as he had begun at Hertford in the second term of the 1921–22 academic year, Waugh had completed only eight terms' residence when he sat his finals, rather than the nine required under the university's statutes. [236] Connolly changed his view later, calling the completed trilogy "the finest novel to come out of the war". 'Daily Telegraph Seine Schulzeit schloss er mit dem Gewinn eines Stipendiums für das Hertford College in Oxford ab. Their first child, a daughter, Maria Teresa, was born on 9 March 1938 and a son, Auberon Alexander, on 17 November 1939. The group's liaison duties, between the British Army and the Communist Partisans, were light. [92] Waugh wrote up his Abyssinian experiences in a book, Waugh in Abyssinia (1936), which Rose Macaulay dismissed as a "fascist tract", on account of its pro-Italian tone. His only sibling was his older brother Alec, who also became a writer. In 1902 he became managing director of Chapman and Hall, publishers of the works of Charles Dickens. Vor fünfzig Jahren starb der Schriftsteller Evelyn Waugh, Eine Evelyn-Waugh-Website von David Cliffe. [127], The mission eventually arrived at Topusko, where it established itself in a deserted farmhouse. Er hatte ein besonderes Interesse an Bildender Kunst (sein erstes Buch war eine Biographie Dante Gabriel Rossettis, und seine Novelle Love Among the Ruins illustrierte er selbst). Love Among the Ruins. He served in the British armed forces throughout the Second World War, first in the Royal Marines and then in the Royal Horse Guards. [223] There was general relief among critics when Scoop, in 1938, indicated a return to Waugh's earlier comic style. Everything. [31] He ended his schooldays by winning a scholarship to read Modern History at Hertford College, Oxford, and left Lancing in December 1921. [75] He had lost his Anglicanism at Lancing and had led an irreligious life at Oxford, but there are references in his diaries from the mid-1920s to religious discussion and regular churchgoing. "[114][115], In November 1940, Waugh was posted to a commando unit, and, after further training, became a member of "Layforce", under Colonel (later Brigadier) Robert Laycock. Born in London, Evelyn Waugh was the second son of noted editor and publisher Arthur Waugh. [n 8], Stannard concludes that beneath his public mask, Waugh was "a dedicated artist and a man of earnest faith, struggling against the dryness of his soul". [135] In February 1947, he made the first of several trips to the United States, in the first instance to discuss filming of Brideshead. Evelyn Waugh war der jüngere Sohn des Verlegers und Schriftstellers Arthur Waugh und seiner Ehefrau Catherine Charlotte. Ältester Sohn, Auberon Waugh paintings and furniture wurden auch Vile Bodies und a Handful of verfilmt. 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